The Railway Safety Act of 2023 has moved to the Senate floor for a full vote, and we’re asking for your help as rail workers to pressure Congress to pass the bill quickly.

Remind your Senators that railway safety is important to you by sending a letter asking them to vote in favor of the Railway Safety Act.

“The Bipartisan Railway Safety Act is a common-sense piece of legislation that will create several important safety improvements to the nation’s railways,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “This bill will make the rail industry safer for workers and the communities in which they work.”

This bill would prohibit the railroad carriers from imposing time constraints on rail car and locomotive inspections, providing significant work-life improvements for our Carmen and Machinists’ crafts.

In addition, the bill ensures that the highly-skilled and qualified members of our union are the ones conducting these inspections rather than relying on operating crews or other untrained crafts.

Help get the Railway Safety Act of 2023 passed by sending a pre-written letter to your legislators telling them to vote yes on rail safety!

The post Tell Congress: Pass the Railway Safety Act of 2023 Now appeared first on IAMAW.