Shop Steward training is always vital for our union membership, and recently, IAM members from Southwest Airlines traveled to the Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Md., to hold their shop’s conference. Fifty members participated in the week-long event to fine-tune their skills to understand better representation issues and how to handle grievances. The District 142 Education Department and several General Chairs from Southwest Airlines instructed the members, providing them with information about the IAM to share with their local membership.

Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnson, Chief of Staff Edison Fraser, Airline Coordinator Tom Regan, and Air Transport Coordinator James Carlson traveled to the center to meet with the stewards. 

“I’m proud of every one of the stewards that participated in this important conference,” said Johnsen. “Knowledge is power, and these stewards are better prepared to represent their co-workers.”

Toward the end of the week, the members had a special visit from IAM Resident General Vice President Brian Bryant, who spoke to the participants and thanked them for the work they do as shop stewards. Several stewards sat down for a video report to speak about the conference and how important it was to attend.

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