Dear IAM Family,
Today marks the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
It’s a time for us to mourn and honor those who lost their lives.
We will never forget the victims and their families, the emergency workers who ran toward danger, or the military service members who fought for our freedom in years to follow.
Union members, including IAM and TCU/IAM brothers and sisters, were among those who lost their lives. We will forever grieve those who perished.
Marianne MacFarlane, IAM
Keith Maynard, IAM
Jesus Sanchez, IAM
James W. Barbella, TCU/IAM
Edward Calderon, TCU/IAM
Rocco Medaglia, TCU/IAM
Eugene Raggio, TCU/IAM
Edward T. Strauss, TCU/IAM
Let’s remember together, and be comforted by the strength and resilience we all saw and felt in the aftermath of that fateful day.
We will never forget.
In solidarity,
Robert Martinez Jr.
International President
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