Delegates from across Ohio and West Virginia gathered in Cleveland last week for the annual Ohio State Council of Machinists (OSCM) meeting. A full house gathered to prepare for the 2022 midterm elections.

“IAM members know the issues,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “Engaging our rank and file members in the political process can be a challenge, but it’s important work, and this election is too important to sit on the sidelines. Working families across the country must participate to ensure their issues are important to any candidate seeking office.”
IAM Headquarters General Vice President Brian Bryant spoke about the importance of getting involved in the election process by encouraging our members to vote for candidates who support our issues.
“We endorse our candidates not by the letter next to their name, but by where they stand on the issues we care about,” said Bryant. “We know that our work can make a difference in close elections, and we expect the margins in Ohio’s races to be close.”

“Working families from across Ohio and West Virginia all know what is at stake in the midterm elections,” said President T. Dean Wright, Jr. “Our members are educated on the issues and the candidates, as well as the process and making sure their vote is counted.”

Other speakers included candidate for governor, Nan Whaley, telling delegates they “deserve an Ohio where one good job is enough to provide for our families; ensuring that the benefits of good jobs are available to everyone, no matter their race, sex or zip code.”

There was also a bowling event to benefit Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC). Dozens laced up their bowling shoes to raise more than $23,000 for GDA.
The Ohio State Council of Machinists (OSCM) is an organization of 32 local unions that represent over 20,000 manufacturing, steel, automotive, aerospace and other workers across Ohio and West Virginia. On July 1, 2016, the West Virginia State Council of Machinists was affiliated into the Ohio State Council of Machinists.

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