IAM Local 1916 members at General Electric (GE) sent a strong message of solidarity to the company through a nearly unanimous strike sanction vote in Milwaukee and Waukesha last week.

The action comes as the General Electric Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC) – a coalition of 11 national unions, including the IAM, representing 6,600 workers – are gearing up for contract talks with GE in early June.

IAM members at 1916 made their voices heard loud and clear,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “This strike sanction vote is a show of solidarity and an indication of our members’ willingness to fight for a fair and equitable contract.”

The IAM represents workers at four Locals involved in the GE coordinated collective bargaining agreement: IAM Locals 78 and 1916 in Milwaukee and Waukesha, IAM Local 912 in Evendale, Ohio, and IAM Local 439 in Warren Heights, Ohio.

READ: Milwaukee, Waukesha IAM Local 78 Members at General Electric Gearing Up for Contract Fight

READ: Ohio IAM Local 912 Authorizes Strike at General Electric

IAM Local 1916 members at GE produce and tests x-ray tubes and detectors, the main components in assembling CT scanners.

Bargaining on behalf of IAM members under the coordinated GE contract is lead by the IAM Collective Bargaining Department located at IAM Headquarters.

“I am very proud of all our members at GE for standing strong before these very important negotiations,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “You have the solidarity of 600,000 Fighting Machinists from across North America behind you.”

“These members have taken a very important step toward showing the company that we mean business,” said IAM Collective Bargaining Director Craig Norman. “We are laying the groundwork for a strong, united group for negotiations.”

The CBC will be meeting May 17-18 in Arkansas City, Kansas for a tour of GE Aviation’s Strother Field plant and rally.

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