IAM District 142 Negotiating Committee members for American Airlines recently visited the IAM William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Md., for an entire week of Negotiations Prep Training.

The intense program prepares the negotiating committee for collective bargaining with American Airlines management. The topics covered include roles and responsibilities of the committee, identifying critical tasks in preparing for negotiations, using bargaining surveys, and locating and interpreting information concerning the employer’s financial situation.

“The IAM looks forward to sitting down at the table with our Transport Workers Union partners to bring back an industry-leading contract for all maintenance and related workers at American Airlines,” said IAM Air Transport Territory General Vice President Richie Johnsen.  

The team heard directly from many department heads, including Legal, Strategic Resources, Communications, and Air Transport Territory department heads.

“It’s important these members participated in this training,” said IAM Air Transport Territory Chief of Staff Edison Fraser. “It’s important the team talks strategies and collaborate to become an effective voice at the table.”

“This IAM team is solid and ready to fight hard for the members and their families; I couldn’t be more proud of the hard work they have been putting in to prepare for these upcoming talks,” said IAM District 142 President and Directing Chair John Coveny.

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