You may have heard about the Build Back Better Act, but what is it and how can it help to change your life?

Take Action: Tell Your Senator to Vote ‘Yes’ on the Build Back Better Act

The act would strengthen enforcement of employment and civil rights laws. That means safer workplaces, less discrimination and it would discourage wage theft, so you aren’t short-changed in your paycheck.  It would expand job training programs like apprenticeships, provide universal family and medical leave. That includes four weeks of paid parental, family caregiving. Build Back Better would extend the enhanced child tax credit through the end of 2022… lower the cost of child care, by making sure most families would pay no more than seven-percent of their income on child care. How does free, universal preschool sound for three and four-year-olds? How about more financial aid for college students?

Build Back Better would secure our nation’s manufacturing supply chains with $5 billion to identify and monitor critical vulnerabilities and support U.S. companies that end those weaknesses. Let’s build back better, together, to lower costs and fight inflation, without any more taxes to people who make less than $400,000 a year.

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