El programa final de español para 2019 concluyó la semana pasada en el centro educativo de IAM, el Centro Winpisinger, ya que el centro dio la bienvenida a participantes de Estados Unidos, Canadá y el Territorio de Puerto Rico para el liderazgo español I del 20 al 25...
The final 2019 Spanish program concluded last week at the William W. Winpisinger Center, as the school welcomed participants from the U.S., Canada and the Territory of Puerto Rico for Spanish Leadership I. The week started and ended with excitement all around. The...
Deep in the forest of northern Maine sit two rusting locomotives, seemingly frozen in time. They offer a glimpse of a booming lumber industry that used to employ thousands of Mainers, and was lucrative enough to build a railroad system in what many would refer to as...
More than 1 million federal contract workers went without pay during the 35-day government shutdown in early 2019, including thousands of furloughed IAM members. The IAM is fighting for the inclusion of language in the Senate’s fiscal year 2020 appropriations bill to...
IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. recently led a Machinists Union delegation to a meeting of the world’s most powerful aerospace unions in Singapore. Martinez chairs the aerospace sector of the IndustriALL Global Union, which represents 50 million...