La Unión de Maquinistas entró en su segunda fase del acuerdo con el Unión de Carpinteros de Puerto Rico (UCPR) al programar un Módulo de Educación, del 5 de junio al 7 de junio, para veintiún miembros de la Unión de Carpinteros de Puerto Rico Logia Local 2252C,...
The Machinists Union entered their second phase of the agreement with the Carpenters Union of Puerto Rico (UCPR) by scheduling a Field Education Module for 21 members of the newly affiliated Carpenters Union of Puerto Rico Local Lodge 2252C from June 5 to June 7,...
Congressional legislation has been introduced to protect rail and bus manufacturing from Chinese threats. The Transit Infrastructure Vehicle Security Act would prevent federal transit funds from being used by transit agencies to procure Chinese rail assets and ensure...
IAM delegates from the General Electric Coordinated Bargaining Committee (CBC), coalition of 11 national unions representing 6,600 workers, opposes GE’s proposed contract and will recommend that their IAM Locals reject the company’s offer. The IAM represents four...
IAM, NFFE-IAM, AFGE, and other unions held a rally to save the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the federal government’s human resources agency. The White House has recently threatened to abolish the OPM. The OPM provides critical support for government employees...