Jun 29, 2018 | iMail
All it takes is one member to change the lives of many. And that’s exactly what happened when machinist Alex Martinez of Local 850 in Oklahoma City started talking to others about his IAM contract. “Alex works across the runway at the Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma...
Jun 29, 2018 | iMail
2018 has turned out to be a big year for IAM members in the aerospace industry. We have experienced an organizing victory for flight line technicians working at Boeing in South Carolina, a victorious strike at Unite Launch Alliance and a new contract for the Fighting...
Jun 29, 2018 | iMail
Harley-Davidson is blaming newly-imposed European Union tariffs on U.S.-made motorcycles for the company’s most recent plans to offshore production. Harley-Davidson already has plants in Brazil and India, and plans to open another this year in Thailand. “Harley...
Jun 29, 2018 | iMail
The Friday July 13 deadline for the Spanish Train-the-Trainer program is fast approaching. This is the perfect opportunity for the brothers and sisters who have completed Advanced Leadership to further their education and knowledge. The Train-the-Trainer program is...
Jun 29, 2018 | iMail
La fecha límite para el programa de Entrenar-al-Entrenador pronto se acerca el viernes 13 de julio. Esta es la oportunidad perfecta para los hermanos y hermanas que han completado el Liderazgo Avanzado para promover su educación y conocimiento. El programa de...